
First, after ready chapter 2. you will be Using the vocabulary and principles found in Practical Wisdom, do an analysis of Nike using the chapter from Everybody’s Business in a 2-3 page paper. Make sure that your points are clear and supported with examples. Generalized statements will not count as an analysis. Do not Google Aristotle and Nike and try to write a paper. If you didn’t read the two assignments it will be immediately apparent. You should have quotes from both texts and from more than one section to show that you fully comprehended the texts. Do not simply summarize the two texts and repeat what you read. To help with your own clarity when writing, make sure you have one major concept per paragraph. If your essay is 5 paragraphs plus an introduction and conclusion, I should be able to assume you are making 5 points. Each paragraph should include analysis from both texts. You should articulate your points clearly. When you are done with your paper check for grammar and spelling. 3 papers.

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