
Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation summarizing your research proposal.

The PowerPoint presentation will summarize the key points in your research proposal.

  1. Title of the research proposal and your name (1 slide)
  2. Brief summary of the key points from introduction section of your proposal (maximum 2 slides)
  3. Problem Statement (1 slide)
  4. Research Question and Sub-Questions (1 slide)
  5. Rationale (1 slide)
  6. Definitions, if applicable (1 slide)
  7. Hypothesis (1 slide)
  8. Brief summary of the key points from the Literature Review section of your proposal ( maximum 4 slides)
  9. Methodology (1 slide)
  10. Wrap-up or Final Comments (1 slide)

PowerPoint presentations will include the following summarized in bullet points:

  • Introduction (or organizationall problem summary)
  • Problem Statement / Research Question
  • Rationale
  • Definitions (if necessary)
  • Hypothesis
  • Summary of Literature Review
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