Course name: Access Control


What are the issues and root causes that necessitates the enactment and/or establishment of Federal, state and local government laws, and the establishment of regulations and policies for access control? Cite such laws, regulations and policies in your particular state.  your initial posting to be 300 words 

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homework help

 Discuss in 500 words or more the relationship between NIST and FISMA.

Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. 

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C++ Coding assignment

Assg 02: Classes

COSC 2336 Data Structures

Objectives • Create a simple class • Practice using <cmath> math functions • Practice with C++ string types and I/O streams • Use a class constructor • Example of test driven development

Description Typically, most everyone saves money periodically for retirement. In this exercise, for simplicity, we assume that the money is put into an account that pays a fixed interest rate, and money is deposited into the account at the end of the specified period. Suppose the person saving for retirement depositsD dollarsmtimesperyear. Theaccountpaysr%compoundinterest rate. And the person will be saving for a period of t time given in years. For example, the person might save D = $500 every m = 12 months. The retirement account pays 4.8% compound interest per year. And the person as t = 25 years to save for retirement. The total amount of savings S accumulated at the end of this time is given by the formula S = Dh(1 + r/m)mt −1 r/m i For example, suppose that you deposit $500 at the end of each month (m = 12). The account pays 4.8% interest per year compounded monthly for t = 25 years. Then the total money accumulated into this account is


500[(1 + 0.048/12)300 −1]/(0.048/12) = 289,022.42


On the other hand, suppose that you want to accumulate S dollars in savings, and would like to know how much money you should deposit D each deposit period. The periodic payment you need to reach this goal S is given by the formula

D =

S(r/m) (1 + r/m)mt −1 Design a class that uses the above formulas to calculate retirement savings and to help plan retirement goals. Your class should have private instance variables (all of type double) to hold D the deposit amount, m the number of deposit periods per year, r the interest rate and t the time in years the plan will save for retirement. In the class style guidelines, I discourage using single letter variable names usually when writing code. However when we are directly implementing a formula in an engineering or scientific calculation, it is often clearer to use the variable names directly as given in the formula. For this assignment you need to perform the following tasks. 1. Create a class named RetirementAccount. The class should have a class constructor that takes the 4 variables, D, m, r, t as parameters. 2. Create a default class constructor as well. This constructor can set all of the private member variable values to 1.0. 3. You must have getter and setter methods for all 4 of the member variables of the class. The methods will be named set_D(), set_m(), set_r(), set_t() and get_D(), get_m(), get_r(), get_t(), respectively. 4. Create a member function named tostring(). This function will not take any parameters as input. It returns a string that represents the values/settings of the RetirementAccount class. See the example output below for the format of the string to be returned. 5. Create a member function named calculateRetirementSavings(). This function should implement the first formula to calculate the total amount of savings S the account will generate. This function has no parameters as inputs, and it returns a double amount (the amount of savings) as its result.


6. Create a member function named planRetirementDeposits(). This function takes a double parameters S as input, which is the savings goal you wish to achieve. This function should implement the second equation given above. The function returns a double result, D which is the amount of money that should be deposited each period to meet the savings goal S.

As before you will be given a starting template for this assignment. The template contains all of the tests your class and member functions should pass for this assignment. You should write your program by uncommenting the tests/code in main 1 at a time, and writing your class incrementally to work with the test. If you perform all of the above tasks correctly, the tests given to you in the starting template will produce the following correct output:

=== Testing class creation using constructor……………….

=== Testing getter methods………………. Account: D (deposit amount) = $100.00 m (periods per year) = 10.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0350 t (time in years) = 22.00

=== Testing tostring() method………………. Account: D (deposit amount) = $100.00 m (periods per year) = 10.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0350 t (time in years) = 22.00

=== Testing setter methods………………. Account: D (deposit amount) = $500.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0480 t (time in years) = 25.00

=== Testing retirement savings calculations……………….


My retirement savings: $289022.42

=== Testing retirement planning calculations………………. In order to save 1 million dollars, we need to make monthly deposits of $1729.97 If we set our deposit to this new amount… Account: D (deposit amount) = $1729.97 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0480 t (time in years) = 25.00

My retirement savings: $1000000.00

=== Second test on account2 of savings and planning………………. Account 2: D (deposit amount) = $650.00 m (periods per year) = 9.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0350 t (time in years) = 30.00

My retirement savings: $309521.45

In order to save 2 million dollars, we need to make deposits of $4200.03 If we set our deposit to this new amount… Account: D (deposit amount) = $4200.03 m (periods per year) = 9.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0350 t (time in years) = 30.00

My retirement savings: $2000000.00

=== Larger number of tests, compare effect of increasing monthly deposit amount………………. Plan 0: D (deposit amount) = $500.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 347024.70 Plan 1:


D (deposit amount) = $600.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 416429.64 Plan 2: D (deposit amount) = $700.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 485834.58 Plan 3: D (deposit amount) = $800.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 555239.52 Plan 4: D (deposit amount) = $900.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 624644.46 Plan 5: D (deposit amount) = $1000.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 694049.40 Plan 6: D (deposit amount) = $1100.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 763454.34 Plan 7: D (deposit amount) = $1200.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00


Total Savings: 832859.29 Plan 8: D (deposit amount) = $1300.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 902264.23 Plan 9: D (deposit amount) = $1400.00 m (periods per year) = 12.00 r (interest rate) = 0.0400 t (time in years) = 30.00 Total Savings: 971669.17

Hints • You can use the string type and string concatenation to write the required tostring() member function. For example, if I had variables x and y of type int and double, and I wanted to create a string from them to return, I could do something like

#include <string> using namespace std;

int x = 5; double y = 0.035 string s = “x (example int) = ” + to_string(x) + ‘n’ + “y (example double) = ” + to_string(y) + ‘n’; However, you cannot control the precision (number of decimal places shown)oftheoutputusingtheto_string()method. Iwillacceptthis, but if you want to get exactly the same output I showed in the correct output, you will need to use the string stream library <sstream>. This library allows you to create a stream, like the cout stream, but stream into a string. Thus you can use the io manipulator functions like setprecision() and fixed to format the decimal numbers. You can look at the starting template for many examples of using these I/O manipulators to format the output. • You should use the pow() function from <cmath> for calculating the


savings and planning the goal deposits functions. It might make it easier on you, and be more readable, to define something like:

// r is yearly rate, so amount if interest each period is // given by r/m double ratePerDeposit = r / m; // total number of deposits double numberOfDeposits = m * t; • Almost all of the code given in the template is commented out. You should start by only uncommenting the first line that creates an object using your constructor, this one:

// RetirementAccount account(100.00, 10.0, 0.035, 22.0); Get your constructor working first for your class. Then you should uncomment out the first line testing the get_D() getter method, etc. E.g. if you are not used to coding incrementally, try it out. Code only a single function and get it working before doing the next one. This is a type of test driven development.

Assignment Submission A MyLeoOnline submission folder has been created for this assignment. You should attach and upload your completed .cpp source file to the submission folder to complete this assignment.

Requirements and Grading Rubrics Program Execution, Output and Functional Requirements 1. Your program must compile, run and produce some sort of output to be graded. 0 if not satisfied. 2. 25 pts. The class must have the requested member variables. These member variables must be private. 3. 25 pts. The constructor is created and working correctly. 4. 10 pts. All setter and getter methods for the 4 member variables are implemented and work as asked for.


5. 10pts. YouhavecorrectlyimplementedthecalculateRetirementSavings() function, and it is calculating savings correctly. 6. 10pts. YouhavecorrectlyimplementedtheplanRetirementDeposits() function, and it it calculating goal deposits correctly. 7. 10 pts. You have correctly implemented the tostring() method. The method is returning a string (not sending directly to cout). 8. 2 pts. (bonus) You used <sstream> string streams, and have correctly formatted the string to have 2 or 4 decimal places as shown in correct output. 9. 5 pts. All output is correct and matches the correct example output. 10. 5pts. Followedclassstyleguidelines, especiallythosementionedbelow.

Program Style Your programs must conform to the style and formatting guidelines given for this class. The following is a list of the guidelines that are required for the assignment to be submitted this week.

1. Mostimportantly, makesureyoufigureouthowtosetyourindentation settings correctly. All programs must use 2 spaces for all indentation levels, and all indentation levels must be correctly indented. Also all tabsmustberemovedfromfiles,andonly2spacesusedforindentation. 2. A function header must be present for member functions you define. You must give a short description of the function, and document all of the input parameters to the function, as well as the return value and data type of the function if it returns a value for the member functions, just like for regular functions. However, setter and getter methods do not require function headers. 3. You should have a document header for your class. The class header document should give a description of the class. Also you should document all private member variables that the class manages in the class document header. 4. Do not include any statements (such as system(“pause”) or inputting a key from the user to continue) that are meant to keep the terminal from going away. Do not include any code that is specific to a single


operating system, such as the system(“pause”) which is Microsoft Windows specific.

(File need to be in ‘.cpp’. Use any C++ compilers but the code must be working.

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Cryptography Final research paper

Need it in 5-6 Hours.

I have attached a document here ( its just a outline of document) which found as 100% plagiarism , But i want to complete the document with the topics as provided in attached document with zero plagiarism with the following instructions.


Cover page paper title, name, course name/number, instructor’s name, and the date of submission

Body of the paper includes an introduction and conclusion  Approximately 1,600 – 2,000 words Double-spaced Well organized and well written


 Include figures and/or tables, as needed.

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Visual Analysis Outline


Using the NIKE website, begin to consider the effects the visual elements have on the viewers and create a thesis statement and outline using the response elements 1-5 below.

 Part 1.

Thesis Statement: 

A thesis statement will give your readers direction. It will discuss the main elements of your analysis findings. Your thesis statement should clearly state the effect of the visual elements on viewers. Review these examples:

Example 1 — The analysis of the five perspectives will demonstrate how the visuals used in ___________ website work together to create an emotional connection with viewers to persuade them to purchase these products.

Example 2 – The analysis of the five perspectives will demonstrate how the visuals in _____________ website enhance the viewer’s understanding of the concepts presented by transcending language barriers and clarifying communication. 

Part 2

1.Sensory Response – When analyzing the viewer’s sensory response to a particular visual, it is important to consider the visual elements that attract the eyes. Close your eyes when considering a visual. When you open your eyes, what are the first visual elements that you see? When analyzing a viewer’s Sensory Response, you may consider analyzing at least two of the following effects:

· Colors

· Lines

· Shapes

· Balance

· Contrast

2.Perceptual Response – When analyzing a viewer’s perception of visuals, it is important to consider the audience. Consider who is or is not attracted to this type of visual communication. When analyzing a viewer’s Perceptual Response, consider at least two of the following effects:

· Target audience specifics (age, profession, gender, financial status, etc.)

· Cultural familiarity elements (ethnicity, religious preference, social groups, etc)

· Cognitive visuals (viewer’s memories, experiences, values, beliefs, etc.)

3.Technical Response – When analyzing a viewer’s response to certain visuals, we need to consider the technical visual aspects that may affect perception. Describe how visuals affect the interpretation of the intended media communication message. Address specific technological elements that impact perception. When analyzing the Technical Response, consider the Laws of Perceptual Organization (similarity, proximity, continuity, common fate, etc), and at least two of the following types of visuals:

· Drop-down menus

· Hover-over highlighting

· Animations

· Quality of visuals

4.Emotional Response – When analyzing a viewer’s Emotional Response, it is important to consider the targeted audience preferences and emotional intelligence. Discuss what the viewer might want to see and what type of visual presentation will set the tone for that response. When analyzing the Emotional Response, consider the effects of at least two of the following types of visuals:

· Mood setting colors

· Mood setting lighting

· Persuasive images

· Positioning of search or purchase buttons

· Social media icons and share options

5.Ethical Response – When analyzing a viewer’s Ethical Response, it is important to consider the targeted audience values and beliefs. Identify any negative messages about certain ideas, groups, or cultures. Describe and pinpoint images that may be inappropriate for a variety of viewers. Keep in mind that your website can be accessed by all ages and groups. When analyzing the Ethical Response, consider at least two of the following types of visuals:

· Visual stereotypes

· Limitations in diversity

· Inappropriate images for all audiences

· Digital alterations

· False representation or advertising

Additional requirements

· APA title page, reference page, and formatting.

· Use at least four academic/scholarly sources.

· Use properly cited quotes and paraphrases when necessary.

· Complete, polished, and error-free cohesive sentences.

· Contains an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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Case study scenario

 Australian National Audit Office 2018, ‘Australian Electoral Commission’s Procurement of Services for the Conduct of the 2016 Federal Election’, The Auditor-General Audit Report No. 25 2017-18 Performance Audit, Canberra. 

1. Were IT security risks assessed and treated prior to operation?(p.41) 

– variation excluded the ICT supplier from complying with the ISM and undertaking an IRAP assessment 

– Stage 1 audit report indicated a high level of ISM non-compliance (107 ISM controls not implemented) and there was no documentation justifying the non-compliance 



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presentation based on my essay

I need someone to make a 4-7 minutes presentation based on the attached essay. you should make a power point file and record your voice while doing the presentation. 

* Use this software to record your screen while you are doing the presentation:

or you can use any other software if you want.

attached two files:
– essay instruction with 4 topics (I already chose one and wrote about it), which is topic 3.

– my essay , which you gonna make presentation about.

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Case Study 2: Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Incident Management, and Security Training Capacities for the Enterprise – NO PLAGIARISM

 Download and read the following articles available in the ACM Digital Library:1. F. Arduini. 2010. Business continuity and the banking industry. Communications of the ACM, 53(3). pp 121-125. Found at the ACM Digital Library. 2. K. Dahbur. 2011. The anti-forensics challenge. Proceedings from ISWSA ’11: International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications. From at the ACM Digital Library. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:1. Consider that Data Security and Policy Assurance methods are important to the overall success of IT and Corporate data security.     a. Determine how defined roles of technology, people, and processes are necessary to ensure resource allocation for business          continuity.     b. Explain how computer security policies and data retention policies help maintain user expectations of levels of business          continuity that could be achieved.     c. Determine how acceptable use policies, remote access policies, and email policies could help minimize any anti-forensics           efforts. Give an example with your response.2. Suggest at least two (2) models that could be used to ensure business continuity and ensure the integrity of corporate forensic       efforts. Describe how these could be implemented.3. Explain the essentials of defining a digital forensics process and provide two (2) examples on how a forensic recovery and analysis     plan could assist in improving the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) as described in the first article.4. Provide a step-by-step process that could be used to develop and sustain an enterprise continuity process.  5. Describe the role of incident response teams and how these accommodate business continuity.6. There are several awareness and training efforts that could be adopted in order to prevent anti-forensic efforts.     a. Suggest two (2) awareness and training efforts that could assist in preventing anti-forensic efforts.     b. Determine how having a knowledgeable workforce could provide a greater level of secure behavior. Provide a rationale with          your response.       c. Outline the steps that could be performed to ensure continuous effectiveness.7. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality          resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Describe and apply the 14 areas of common practice in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Essential Body of Knowledge. Describe best practices in cybersecurity. Explain data security competencies to include turning policy into practice. Describe digital forensics and process management. Evaluate the ethical concerns inherent in cybersecurity and how these concerns affect organizational policies. Create an enterprise continuity plan. Describe and create an incident management and response plan. Describe system, application, network, and telecommunications security policies and response. Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybersecurity. Write clearly and concisely about topics associated with cybersecurity using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

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6 assignments. u said u would offer me great deal since i am old customer and currently low on money. please this time only 5$ a piece. usually we do 10$ u know tht. i always bring back more work. i’ll pay all at once plz.

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ec comm

Review the topics of each of the chapters we have covered in the class. Do a little reading and research. Choose three technological and social changes, either recent or impending, that you believe will most affect the future of e-commerce. What evidence do you have for your beliefs? How will the change affect our economic and social behavior?

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