WK3 SOCW 6090

By Day 7Submit 2- to 3, in which you complete both parts outlined below:Part I: Diagnostic Summ and MSEProvide a diagnostic summ of the client, Carl. Include:Identifying Data/Client demographicsChief complaint/Presenting ProblemPresent illnessPast psychiatric illnessSubstance use historyPast medical historyFamily historyMental Status Ex (Be professional and concise for all nine areas)AppearanceBehavior or psychomotor activityAttitudes toward the interviewer or examinerAffect and moodSpeech and thoughtPerceptual disturbancesOrientation and consciousnessMemory and intelligenceReliability, judgment, and insightPart II: Analysis of MSEAfter completing Part I, provide an analysis and demonstrate critical thought (supported by references) in your response to the following:Identify any areas in your MSE that require follow-up data collection.Explain how using the cross-cutting measure would add to the information gathered.Do Carl’s answers add to your ability to diagnose him in any specific way? Why or why not?Would you discuss a possible diagnosis with Carl at this point in time? Why?Support Part II with citations/references. The DSM 5 and case studydo notneed to be cited.  Utilize the other course readings to support your response.

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