
The assignment for Unit IV is a two-part question based on the assigned readings found in this unit. Using the Carroll (2010) assigned reading, respond to the following statement:

ï‚· Discuss the effectiveness of the Confederate blockade-runners and why they were able to sustain the Confederacy until late in the Civil War.

ï‚· Please list the statement above, and then write your response to the statement in your submitted homework assignment for Unit IV.

ï‚· Your response needs to be a minimum of one page.

Using the Neely (2004) assigned reading, answer the following question:

ï‚· Based upon the reading of this article by Neely, would you say that the Civil War was total war? Why, or why not?

ï‚· Please state the question above, and then write your response to the question in your submitted homework assignment for Unit IV.

ï‚· Your response needs to be a minimum of one page.

Include both portions of the assignment in one document. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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