
need help answering following 8 questions as a review of Ch 6, Ch 7, & Ch 8. pp. 61-70, 77-90, 93-105, and 109-122 book The Animal Ethics Reader – edited by Susan J. Armstrong und Richard G. Botzler . Please use citation from the book. Thanks.

The Animal Ethics Reader – edited by Susan J. Armstrong und Richard G. Botzler

Features of the Mind: Consciousness

The Mind Body Problem part 3: The Mind in a Materialist World

TPM – Ch 5 up to The Philosophical Problem of Other Minds, Ch 6, Ch 7, & Ch 8. pp. 61-70, 77-90, 93-105, and 109-122

RQ #4

  1. What is Behaviorism? How plausible do you find it? Explain your answer.
  2. Explain Mind Brain Identity Theory and explain how one of the objections given undermines the position.
  3. What is the Turing Test and what does it show?
  4. Explain the Chinese Room Argument and what it aims to show.
  5. What is connectionism?
  6. Explain one form of functionalism and how one of the objections given in the text undermines the position.
  7. Do you find the difference between the actual and possible examples of multiple realization provide the same type of objection to Functionalism? Why or why not?
  8. At this point, what questions do you have? Or alternatively, what would you like to know more about?

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