Need to revise this paper(attached) the TII needs to below 10%.
In this paper, the learner will define and demonstrate competencies of a collaborative leader to build and manage collaborative relationships among parents, students, staff, community, and governmental organizations in order to resolve contemporary K-12 educational issues.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
• Follow the grading rubric to grade the assignments(attached). APA style for their writing assignments.
Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that discusses how a collaborative leader would work within collaborative relationships developed with and among parents, students, staff, community, and government institutions to resolve a contemporary issue. Include the following in your paper:
1. Identify a contemporary leadership challenge in K-12 education that influences a local community.
2. Describe historical, economic, and political origins for the issue.
3. Evaluate how the collaborative leader is best suited to resolve contemporary issues.