As you work towards the completion of your Portfolio Project and creating an online presence for yourself, an individual, or an organization, how might you use analytics to inform continued development of your online presence and personal brand (if you are completing Portfolio Project Option 1) or additional recommendations to the individual or organization for which you are developing an online presence (if you are completing Portfolio Project Option 2)? What indicators will you use to determine if your campaign is successful? What social media tools do you anticipate being the most significant or useful in your campaign? Why?
Your post must be well written and formatted according to the requirements in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. Include at least two substantive responses to your classmates’ posts. Respond to these posts in any of the following ways:
- Build on something your classmate said.
- Explain why and how you see things differently.
- Ask a probing or clarifying question.
- Share an insight from having read your classmates’ postings.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Expand on your classmates’ postings.