Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that discusses the technology to be used for a learning solution.
Structure the paper using the following sections: THERE ARE 4 SECTIONS
- Focus for the Technology-enabled Solution: Provide the name for your proposed technology-enabled communication or learning solution that you will create a design and design plan for in this class. Include the need, end-users, value to be created, and the title for the learning solution.
- Technology to Be Used: Identify the selected technology (e.g., game-based learning activity in science, mobile-based product information update to sales people, or social-media based community improvement project). The solution should be using a technology and not evaluating a technology to use.
- Design Approach to Be Used: Based on the solution focus and selected technology, describe the specific steps of a design approach you are considering using (found through your research of solutions based on the technology you selected for your solution). For example, if you selected gaming as the technology, find empirical articles that include how a game was designed.
- Benefits of a Structured Approach to Design: Argue the benefits of using a structured design approach. Discuss and break down the benefits of the approach.
** Please use a learning technology — Virtual classroom with social media and M-learning***
I have provided information I have written which will help complete this:
Many classrooms and educational platforms have moved away from traditional brick-and-mortar classroom style to an interactive platform, which integrates technology into the core curriculum.
Virtual classrooms enhance the traditional classroom in the sense that students are able to participate with their peers and teachers when they have questions or want to discuss a topic, specifically one they have been learning about. These virtual elements can be integrated into the traditional classroom with the use of SMART boards and tablets. Students are able to take the platform from within the classroom to home and then back into the classroom for a completely well rounded course of technological integrated learning.
Saade, Morin and Thomas state that there was a distinct relationship between a students’ perception of learning activities and critical thinking; this was specifically seen in the interactive components of learning activities with critical thinking development (2012). In an online classroom, these interactive forums for discussion between peers and faculty provide more opportunities for expanding critical thinking development. Consideration must be made to integrate more interactive components into the course activities; draw on social media principles to keep students connected to each other (Saade, Morin & Thomas, 2012).
The integration of the theory of learning allows a teacher to individualize educational plans for their students and understand student-learning patterns. Technology can support data collection and analysis of students’ learning patterns, identify the variables, which influence this learning and provide educational/academic/social outcomes for the teacher to create and individualize the strategies being implemented in the classroom.
Technology can provide enhanced implementation of instructional strategies to assist with facilitating the activation and engagement of relevant psychological processes of the learner which can increase learning outcomes for students with Autism. Technology can also help facilitating cognitive information-processing activities such as search, scanning, transformation, or comparison of information (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). Learning theory activation includes looking at the larger picture such as the cognitive understanding of the student and these variables effect the process of learning in a group setting such as the general education or virtual classroom (Wang, 2012).
The learning solution I think that I will be using throughout this course to create a technology-enabled design plan is going to be a virtual learning platform through a combinational of social media and virtual classroom reality; possibly using M-learning as well in conjunction with virtual reality classrooms. The aim is to utilize an electronic device such as a tablet, which will allow for personalized learning (Blackburn & Stroud, 2015) for students in a special education program. Tablet technology allows for portability in different classrooms and consistency in educational delivery which is very important, from personal experience as a Special Education teacher, for students with special educational needs.
M-learning allows portability for technology supported learning through 21st century learning competencies (Al-Hunaiyyan, Al-Sharhan & Alhajri, 2017); one requirement for this to be efficient for the learner is the accessibility of consistent internet, however, this will also be require for all learners with the use of virtual learning classrooms. As stated by Al-Hunaiyyan, Al-Sharhan, and Alhajri, M-learning is an effective tool which can enhance the student’s learning for understanding and comprehension of academic content (2017).
Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. (2001). Research commentary: technology-mediated learning-a call for greater depth and breadth of research. Information Systems Research, 12(1), 1-10.
Al-Hunaiyyan, A. H., Al-Sharhan, S. a., & Alhajri, R. R. (2017). A New Mobile Learning Model in the Context of Smart Classroom Environment: A Holistic Approach. International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 11(3), 39-56.
Saade, R. G., Morin, D., & Thomas, J. D. E. (2012). Critical thinking in e-learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5), 1608-1617.
Wang, V. X. (2012). Understanding and Promoting Learning Theories. International Forum of Teaching & Studies, 8(2), 5-11.