1- Intro Paragraph: present a full paragraph (200-250 words) essentially one page, double spaced- that introduces and overviews the topic.( MLA format)
– summarize the topic(what are you talking about and researching)
-explain the major concept (what is the issue or concern of your topic?)
-State the research? (what problem are you focusing on?)
2- Six Bibliographic entries ( sources attached below with more details), each citation of the source is followed by 200 words entry, the entry will interpret the research article of the source cited. (MLA format)
-analyze the rhetorical situation ( what is being argued in the article)
-summarize the argument made by the source.
-discuss the historical context (how does the time of its publication reflect its argument.)
-provide credibility for the source
-connect the source and the research question
+There are powerpoint slides attached below for more information.
These are Three sources and three rest are attached below. In order to access these sources you need these username and password, name: halsowaidi, pass: Humaid1234
: http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/science/article/pii/S0308597X09001225?via%3Dihub