
APA format paper

APA citations and reference

4 paragraph not including (counting) introduction and references

Reference – 2 or more

(Library) Following the Middle East branch meeting, Axetem’s management made a decision to keep this operation inactive for at least another year to further monitor and evaluate the country’s political and economic situation. However, Axetem is now interested in starting a new foreign operation. Brian Tobias, the CEO of Axetem, has asked you to research two countries within the same global region and to make a recommendation.

  • What are some examples of external sources that you use in conducting business research on both countries?
  • Name at least four factors that will heavily influence your recommendation to Mr. Tobias. Explain why these factors are important.
  • Which country appeals the most to you? Explain and defend your reasoning.

Use the Library and other available resources to conduct your research to complete this assignment. 

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